An Excerpt From The Book:
“In the silent space between a stopped heart and the call for help lies everything I really am…Almost instantly, as I stand at the side of a patient’s bed, everything I know medicine to be, and not to be, computes. It is then that I do battle with death–or surrender–using another person as the field. And I don’t think for a minute think that I’ve always made the right decision. I have sometimes been too depressed to fight, and often too happy to relent.”
Nursing is backbreaking work that requires an extraordinary range of knowledge and talent-from physical stamina to highly technical knowledge. There is a huge amount of responsibility and a frustrating amount of accountability. What then keeps men and women in the profession? Gino insists that for most who serve patients at the bedside, nursing is a deep and abiding calling – a vocation, rather than a job or career.
In this book we follow the young nurse, Teri Daly through her entire career, from her early optimistic beginning as a nurse’s aide, through her grueling nights in Intensive Care as her education moves her farther and farther away from the bedside. The reader shares her nights with terminal patients as a private duty nurse or in hospice and finally encounters a nurse’s greatest professional danger – Nurse Burnout.. Compassion Fatigue.
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